DIY SOLAR SYSTEM GARLAND ⭐️ I was inspired by ASTROBRIGHTS® Spectrum pack paper names to create our solar system! Perfect for any STEM, STEAM or Science classroom, students can create their own garland, label each planet & write a fun fact about each planet on the back!
Here are the colors you will need from the Spectrum pack to create your garland:
Sun- Solar Yellow™
Mercury- Stardust White™
Venus- Lift Off Lemon™
Earth- Lunar Blue™
Mars- Orbit Orange™
Jupiter- Galaxy Gold™
Saturn- Cosmic Orange™
Uranus- Terrestrial Teal™
I created a FREE template for you to trace & create your own here:
I also used colored pencils and glitter/metallic markers to add details to each planet! The cardstock is thick enough so the markers won't bleed through!